Movie day ^^

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Today went out with buddy for movie, DOOMSDAY. I can tell u that tis movie is like SAW 1 and 2, super bloody bt damn funny also. I dun tin it's worth for tickets. I nvr realise that nw watching movie on wkends can be expensive. $10.50 per ticket, super X lor. -_-||| today I have make some1 very upset and I tin he really fuss off, So sori ok. C**** forgive me as I doesn't mean it anyway. I nvr intend of making u as a bad man. maybe u will read my blog or dun read it anymore. I just have to said that I'm sori. maybe u dun wish to contract me agin. I dunno and I dun wish to make a wild guess agin for goodness sick.

Kendrick sms in the morning today, saying that he saw Andy in zouk and Andy saying that I wrote some stuff in my friendster abt our breakup. He's damn shit lor, even he's one of e guys that hurt me e most. I'm been forgiving for Andy and treat him as friends bt y does he (Andy) kp on finding troubles for me. I really dunno wat to said to Kendrick and I find it pointless to pinpoint any1 becos I'm too is a bad bad gal. -_- alway make people angry -_-;

I just recieve my good sister sms that she's gg to get married on mid-Aug and I have really save alot of $$ for Aug and Sept as Weiling is marry in Aug and Joanne gal is marry on Sept. Somemore I need to find partner to accompany me for wedding dinner or I shall be gg alone for tis 2 wedding dinner. :)

Just nw in the car, buddy is so funny, ask me to introduce some gals friends as friends bt nt ready for serious r/s for nxt few years. hahaha I'm kp laugh until e max, knw him frm 16 yrs old until nw. From Lover to good friend and now we r buddy. He's really make e efforts to share joys and sorrows with me. When I'm was in low periods, he's there and I'm joy, he's there. He's one of few guy friends that really understand me & care for me. I will reward u the best buddy medal and only U buddy Eric, kekekeke. ^@^ although I knw that u have went through alot of bad periods and I envy ur views toward life. Life is once and we shall enjoy and work hard tis life. take things nt for granted. tis's kind of life is wat I wan to becos I tin we kind of alike in certain views. Buddy telling me that he's gg repaint his car agin and I tin he's shall take it slowly by thn la. hahahaha

my buddy car (white Honda, damn difficult to drive)-thk U jerlyn for typo error

sat I was drinking at hm when dar dar ask me out 2 st james. I went 2 power hse until 5am hahahaha. so Long didn't go out w her lor and she's knw tht I'm very bad mood ytr. I LOVE DAR, U ARE E BEST. LOVE LOVE LOVE U ^@^


the photograhic is stuck :P


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

Hey Love! The white car looks like Honda leh.. LOL! ANyway, I MISS u!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P