Mon - 5 May 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Damn tired lor, I kp wake and fall aslp for a few times in e morning. ytr i went to slp quite early thn wake up at 5am, nxt is 9am thn finally 11am. tis few days was too hot and I'm really have on my air-con. Aven just came back frm KL trip, sms me that he will be joining me in sch for lunch tml. I wonder if he will kp his promise or nt. kekekeke SorI Aven :P

I'm now rushing my report proposals for my intergiated projects and I'm running out of ideas. JiaYing was like just briefly told me how's her business operation. Holy mother, pls help me. Nxt wk, I need to go ICA building to do my new I/C. I tin my 100 bucks gg to fly awy lor, yesterday have a good talk with kendrick (my ex) abt the sms he send me. Kind of sad that we turned out to be like tis bt life still went on like that. I wish to be gd friends of his for lifetime. Jerly is in chatlet today so we can chat online, Sayang is coming frm London tonite. hahahaha Gal msn chat tml nite. LOVE U GALS I just went through tis video named freedom writers, it's so moved and emotion. ALL U guys must go and watch. VERY nice songs abt the racial in US ard 1990.