MC for 3 days on

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The med doctor gave ytr was nt effective at all, I have to go over to polyclinic agin to see e doc agin and ask him to give me a stronger med. I hope tis med really worked.

later have to work on my assignents for tis wk and take a good rest for tis few days. My church members kp calling me and ask me why nt gg to church bt I'm was really sick for tis past days so I can't make it.

my laptop kp on having problems tis few days, I tin I gg to change my laptop into fujitsu brand. More lighter and duriable bt they are running vista which I dun like at all. I see wherever they can dwngrade the OS version to XP or nt. tml is zenzi birthday, Happy birthday Zenzi. ^^ There are some problems arised in my cousin, they finding new HDB so I still thinking finding my friends who are agents to look out for them. anything just give me a call, cousin, LOVE U ^@^

just nw, he sudden sms me ask me to take care, I was in shocked man. I thought he's still angry abt me. I tin e feeling for him is getting ligher by time, maybe I get over him faster than I thought. For some guys may tin i'm quite heartless bt those who knw well, they knw who I'm. when I tin tis r/s is nt suitable or impossible. I will get over it quite fast becos I tin i have to proceed on my life. Toward those whom I truely love still e same. O yeah, John work hard for ur papers for tis mth. I knw that u are having exams for ur Uni so dun disturb u first. After ur exam thn meet up for movies Okie ^@^

Well I have to said John is a very special friend of mine, kind of like confidiant. some1 that can shared secrets. Let me recap hw i knw him. hahahaha we knw each other through MoMo club. (we are dancing together in stage, damn funny lor kekeke) thn we kp contract frm 3 yrs ago until nw. JiaYOU John, I knw that u can make it ^^