Labour day

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I have to wake up very early today for my Pentecost day celebration. -_-||| ytr went out w Lover (jerlyn) thn she like drinking too much lor, I have take care of jerlyn and Alvin becos bth are fucking drunk. O my god I was like guardian angels for bth of them (PLS NXT TIME DUN DRINK UNTIL LIKE THT OK) it's really hurt to see u guys like that. I will need to wake up 4+am to pray for 10 days before the feast of week.

my loveR - Jerlyn

Alvin - he's damn red lor his face !!!!

edison and his gf

recently i'm felt so calm nw after getting knwing God, maybe I shall be christian earlier. hahaha. Holy mother, thk u for letting me to see him yesternite. I knw that you want testing me, see wherever i can overcome my own desires. To want to be with him, touch him and miss him. I try very hard nt to talk to him first bt I failed to stop miss him bt I have to knw my stands.

I dun want him to think that I'm loose gal that fool ard with guys. I want to change, to some1 better. someone that he may consider me as his gf and I knw that to demand other, I shall demand on myself first. Forgive him is like forgive myself too. I'm blogging in my blog nt to prove anything but nt to hide anything frm u. I do miss you christopher bt I knw your feeling is nt true or I shall said that you dun love me at all but you still love some1. maybe your ex-gf or some1 I dunno. I dun wish to force any1 and i tin that nature take it's course. If holy mother think that we meant to be together thn no matter where and when we will meet. don't you agree?? ^@^

I have to learn to let go my persistent with anything becos holy Mother want me to do so. Love by her is great and i want this to be continue. okie, i shall stop @ tis moment.


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

Wah! Lover, u bad.. Say me till litat.. LOL! I am High ok, not Drunk!! =P