confusing, confusing so confusing nw

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dunno how to do nw, I'm very confusing now, blog for the sick of blogging. Get to knw tis guy called R**** thn he will try hard to woo after me by thn. U knw me, I dun really like ah Beng kind of guys. Either he will change for me or i will choose other thn him.

bt his status abit awful and complex now. I also dunno wat to said and do???? Pls god tis is another test u given to me agin. See hw first la, if didn't work out thn said goodbye lor. wat to do, I dun like kp tagging on meaningless r/s with no fruit. haiz -_-||| Lover was very wori abt me and I knw wat to do. Dun wori, I will protect myself well enu. ^@^

even my feeling toward C**** still there bt i find it meaningless to wait for him becos he's nt truely love me so forget him lor. wat to do!!!! even the feeling toward him is serious and true. hahahaha

Still have to go on my life :)


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

i oso confused leh.. =P

Ms Angel said...

I also confuse leh! hehe..
meet up next week for party! =)