11 May 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

today i'm wking aftern shift in citibank and later at nite go movie my bro ben for Iron man. (finally manage to find some1 to accompany to watch that show) The show is great and i decided to but it's DVD for collection.

ah Dear called me in the mid of show, saying that he's gg dinner w his mum so as usual I have to hang up the phone lor. He's really a super gamer for CS lor, when i reach hm, msn him. He's still playing CS online. Slp early dear becos tml u gt2 wk full shift in ur airforce camp lor. Dunno u can tahan or nt :)

O yeah, finally gt the photo frm Edmund abt our outing in boiler on 9 May 2008. njoy pals, it's damn fun la. they r very sporting grp of people. Nxt time, shall ask them out for Ktv sessions lor becos I gt abit chiong until bored and tired alrea.

they are so sporting, just simple love them hahahaha

Alvin, he's a gd bro and friend of mine

nvr expected to saw my exschmate here. Angel and Jason

shima san - Japan football player (one of japanese guy I met in bolier, sittin nxt 2 our table)

they are my all time lover

labour day eve (thk angel for supply e pic, love U)