30 May 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Woo wednesday I was like headwire lor, one person go to dlb O n drink. luckly saw Juna my gal friend over ther so nt so lonely. I was super bad mood becos Kendrick said some words that very disgu lor. haiz why all couple after broke off, must end up like that le. Even I dun have the intend of lossing tis friend.

Eunice last min came n join me, hahahaha so fun thn I get knw tis Australia born chinese, hahahaha, He's just xame back to sg for a yr. Well, u knw after few drinks, we become close bt dun get the wrong meaning of it OKie :) He send back me hm n his friend sent Eunice back.

He's driving one of my favouriate car, white Mitsubishi Lancer bt I dun tin we will contract each other as I told him lor. I dun like guys that r drunk thn saying that he like me alot and all tis kind of stupid stuff so this type of guys scared me off.

somemore i felt that we r totally different world people so I dun wan to engage into any r/s now as I planning of gg for SIA pilot program once I'm gradated. If been selected, I have go oversea for 1 and half year to take the pilot licence and under Australia or US training school. If now I have bf, sure quarrel one which i dun want. I wan really excel my career first b4 toking abt r/s.

anyway, I didn't grab any number frm him so if he really make a effort want to knw me, he knw my hse location. Ask him to wait for me at my hse dwnstair. hahahaha bt i sure he won't la so forget abt it. O yeah, ytr was my second day wking in M1, damn busy bt sure fun as we wk together in a team. i tin for nxt few mths, I will njoy my job in M1. kekekeke