New job today - 28 May 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I start my new job in M1 today, damn tired bt very fun becos I learned alot of things for Handphones sets. I meet my Sec school mate Grandel who transfer out when he's in sec 2. He's my partner today so basisly he's my mentor lor.

Alot of stuff nid 2 do and time pass really fast in ther, My wking plce is located at Parogo, kekekeke very near my old wk place.(bth located at Orchard) tml have to rush my e-learning wk assignments out first thn do some revisions. At nite, I nid to go dwn zouk to find kendrick first, I nid to tok it out w him becos he's over doing it tis time round. after tis incident, I find out tht I'm no long can be friends w him becos he's such a selfish person. If he nt gg pay for the bill, I will ask frm his parents becos he's overdoing it.

haiz, why I met those guys are alway so asshole one ah???? Dunno why also??? I'm planning my vacation for JP in Nov so nw I must save $$ to go over JP. Maybe Osaka nd Yoshiyosha where i can meet Mitch over there. We still have exchange emails through personal email address and keep each other well-inform of each other most recent life procedures. He just gt back frm Phillipine to JP and have to pack his stuff back to his hse. Well, he's gg send me some of his pic he took in Jp so I hoping for his email everyday. Wo lau, u must be wondering rite, distance love???
No la, we r just friends and he's one a sweetest guy I ever met. Most of the US Navy guy won't make a effort of exchange mails with some1 they knw frm other countries and he did. I admit that he's really have the heart to do so and I willing to keep in contract w him.

even his mail stated that he's so hoping to send my mails everyday and he gg hawalli tis coming June to visit his friends and back to Fionea to visit his family so I asking his pictures that taken when he back to State. ^@^


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

yeah ! Japan here we come!!!!! Hee~ btw, hws tinks between u n kendrick wor?

Anonymous said...

but most of the US navy guys are hooking up with girls thru emails, friend-finder,myspace and such.

but i do not imply ur friend is such a person.just promoting general awareness.