13 Nov 09

Friday, November 13, 2009

it's Friday the 13th... OMG Dark Friday... well to work after 2 days off and super busy with work... so SUX with my jobs nw...

I was busy frm on Wednesday to now... I think I will be very very moody for tis week... I thought I can influence some1 tht close to me bt I was wrong... When he told me tht forget all the things he said on Wednesday nite in dlbO when he's drunk. I was so so so disappointed...

It's just a one-side game that we are playing. Just waiting who is the one tht wanna to backout frm the game. Hmmmm once you told me that you wish to try out and if my heart is still have Mitch. You will just wanna to be friends and I have give it a serious thoughts. Ok Let give it a try but now I'm regretted it as I knw you will never forget ur ex and I will not wish to some1 replace or been used by you to forget some1. I knw you are trying very hard but I just can't step into ur heart when you blocking me frm you...

Maybe you knw tht we dun really suitable... I need some1 tht mentally prepare to being with me and you are not... I will keep my promises that I will wait for ur answers when you are back frm trip so 2 days to go...

Maybe I shall redraw my feeling frm toward you, dun contact you, dun return ur calls... MIA for awhile of time, sort out my feelings thn be friends as I have plan at first. So many of my friends warned me but I just not hearing their advises... I wanna to be rational, be a good ending toward us as I think I'm dun stand much special position in ur heart... it's just a feeling and I think my feeling shall be accurate... WAKE UP SERENE, IT'S ENOUGH FOR YOU FRM ALL THOSE SHITS...

Can't you see and learn from pasts, you dun need to get hurt if you knw he's tht kind of guys... Understand lovely Serene... Pouring out my feeling make me have a clearer views... analyse different options... Even he's seeing my blog and knw abt it... I think he have the rights to knw tht too... I' m tired... very Tired abt all tis... Going to slp soon... nite nite


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