4 Dec 09

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's a Friday nite and I'm stay at home.... Too tired as I was out for continuing 2 days... As usual on Wed I went party until morning and go straight to work... Thur Celine Sayang just came back from flight and we met up at Suntec for wine drinking... Have some gal talks things...

Updating her tht I &KJ have broke off... Nonono we didn't even start so wat to say tht we broke off :( Agin I hate myself to fall for this type of guys... Players & I shall have enu for all this... later part we starting to laugh like shit when fabian photos tht she show me!!! Mr robinhood U DID A GD JOBS.... LOL I went to SIA career website and they have open interview on 12 Dec 09...

I'm so excited and nervous abt this... This time round I must and will go for it as I wanna to explore the world outside sg... Open my mind and eyes... Seeing things very much differently... Thank Jerlyn, Celine, Regine and Eunice for staying by my side when I need you gals the most... Our friendship will last thru our life :)

I still feel regretted and guility to hurt JiaQi in the past... He's still the best bf I even have and I dun think any man can treasure and love me as wat he did in past... I'm so sorry abt it... ;(

If you ask me what am I thinking nw? Well I did miss KJ... It's more like a habit to sms him bt after all things he did to me. I have reserved toward him and I wanna stay out of him... I will cut dwn goin dwn DlbO in future as I have to plan for some stuff... Counting 7 days for SIA interviews and I'm getting more & more nervous each day... Sayang promise me to accompan me to interviews... It's like 9 - 2pm on 12 Dec and I still plan wat's to wear? O yea, I need to go take 2 passport photos... Rizal's encouraging me to go for it and giving tips for the interviews... BIG THANKS RIZAL !!!

I'm just myself, Independant, peace-minded & rational... I dun really like to depend on guys but if I found tht special 1... I will be super depend on him... SearchinG in process but take it easy okie ^^