03 Oct 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

this is first blog I even blogged after stop writing for a few mths. Today I'm super moody.
Rem I told tht I have a bf who called Thomas before I was celebrating my bd. He went MIA. He's bck in sg and he contacted me. We went together bt you knw he just complained to me tht he's like label bf (sound to be my bf) so I'm trying my best to meet him to improve our r/s but things turned really bad. Either is tht he's not free (sound like make exceises) or I'm not free. last few days. he was like wking like hell so I just sms him to rest as I'm be considering and caring gf of his. (becos he's saying he's very tiring)

you knw wat turn out, he's just go out with his coworker and call me up in 5am (which I'm in sleep and I'm wk early tis morning) I was like preparing myself to wait for him to come over thn he just sms he's gg dwn office straight ahead. WTF he's think who he's??? I really have enough of him, he's bo chap abt this r/s and wanna me to appear whenever he's need me.

I just sms him and told him tht we's not suitable and the best to be gd friends. He's totally agreed abt it. He's just dunno wat's hell his faults... I can tell tht if he's gg keep this attitudes, non of his r/s turn out gd. Well I'm ok with it as Mitchell is coming sg... Some1 I have in love with for a year.

If mitchell is staying in sg, we have already turn out to be couple and happy ending. In life, things just don't turn out the ways you wish too and expected too. HAiz I was so angry and disappointed today tht I pick my smoking agin. Oshit... Damn it

wat's a moody day... hopefully tml will be better. ^^