20 feb 09

Thursday, February 19, 2009

WooO my sayang went to genting on valentines day. Luckily I'm gg my friends' party in Irish Bar located at MS. after 10 plus thn I went to meet Andy (any other friends of mine, it's nt hanjie) we went Harry Bar located Espan and chatting over. After drinking, he sent me hm.

Basisly he called me every nite and I'm kind of want make it clear to him as I can only be friends with him. Ask him stop calling me everyday in midnite. (I'm alrea aslp lo) This few days found something tht answer my questions tht I have doubt for last year.

I started to read all sms tht Gerald sent to me in past. All those memories are so special and yet so painful. I didn't told u guys tht I have returned his stuff to him and frm tht day onward, he also didn't bother to sms or call me anymore. I think it's quite clear cut for me and sometimes in night I do miss him. Look at e pics we have took in our short r/s. Every1 look so sweet & I do tear when I'm gg through those pics.

Does it's mean tht we have met e wrong timing or I haven't growup yet to handle all those stuff. My work stress is getting more & more heavier and I went hm straight after work. Even my off day, I'm staying hm to rest. I have just went to MBIS to lookout for my course (Bachelor of information Technology) Most important things is tht they have a\offer Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer 2003 which Microsoft is releasing 2008. i went through their open leature which i think i will have exempted frm 1st year Modules and went straight to 2nd year.
In total of 3 Years but i just need to take 2 years and hopefully things get on well.