11 feb 09

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WooO a tiring day bck today. sO much Xfiles need to handle for it so I stay to OT for another hr for another case in wk. after alot of consideration and attitudes tht Gerald gave me. I'm kind of giveup tis r/s. I really mean it as ytr he called me tht he have overslp becos he gt headaches thn we have a small in phone. it's just last for 5 mins which I also dun get an answer becos he need to get in TTSH for his work. ard 4pm he called up my hse number which I was so disappointed and shocked as he totally dunno tht's my hse number. (I have called him using my hse phone many times which he shall save in his hp)

I'm tired abt it all. I dun need an explaination, letting go would my best solution and I felt so much relaxing. Although I do miss him bt just tht I think once u miss e chance and moment I have gave him to explain everything. He dun give a damn abt it so DO I.

I just focus on my work nw and save my $$ for further study which I think gg for degree in MBIS. I can imagine my life after all. (super busy as jaka bth work and study) better plan nicely abt wat I wan nw. Fri meeting all kaki friends (sayang, wawa, jason, lover and calvin ) My valentine day will be celebrating with them. Hw a poor thing of me to be light bulb (hahahaha just kidding, dun be angry) I think I will go off ard 5.30pm as gt appt with them. No OT on Fri. see u guys love love u


Le Victorian NaiLs said...

Sorry Sayang Des, Jason and I went up to Genting LAST MIN! Really last minute and we were jus talkin abt the idea.. who knows they're realy serious! So on 11th night we went up liao.. so sory! Bt im sure u've had lotsa fun ystrday n today rite? love u n miss u lots still! meet up real soon ya? muacks! *HUGS!*