JB trip

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dar Dar and me went to JB city sqaure for shopping on tue but when we reach the malaysia new causepoint. we are lost as it's like so big and we walk into bus plaform area. Luckily regine got a personal information officer - Grace and we called her up for the directory guide.

finally reach city square -_-

yummy I'm eating mango and she eating mint ^^

101 rest located @ seatosa

we went to seatosa for seafood. Order crab, shark fin soup, veg and prawn. The food there is so yummy. Definately I will visit it agin on nxt mth ^^

Beer herbal prawn. Oyishi desu ^^
see the crab!!! as big as my hand o_O

reach sg ard 11pm, so tired but very filling
planning nxt mth gg dwn to JB agin..... see my timesheet O yeah :)