24 Mar 09

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just came bck frm work after OT for a few hours in work - abt 8 pm thn go off. Aiyo because of the new implement of new system, I have to handle all those stupid customers. Somemore I have to handling fax issues which have to do f/u with sub which is using the other platforms and having fax issues tht they can recieve fax but can't fax out. Basicly the xsl. file I' m the 1 tht handling it so I have to do f/u for all those cases.

Last sat actually I'm meeting Lover (jerlyn) but I was late. (becos of Alvin la) Lover said she's sick and need to sleep early. SoRi Lover, ask u out thn have to make u wait for so sO sO long. PS (do some reflections) Mitchell just came bck to JP so log in MSN, we have some casual talk before he log off (he's super tiring after weeks in ship and exercises with Korean Navy)

Haiz I thinking telling him e truth tht actually I gtta myself a bf in this period of time but he need to go off for sleep sO end story tht I didn't tell him. O_o
trying upload some pics into facebook, Mr Chin shu shu in my workplce thinking of organising some trip to JB nxt mth. Asking me wan to go or nt?? OF cos is a YES answer... ^^ thn must keep Dar Dar (Regine) update abt e date as we agree with each other tht we will drop by JB every mth for seafood and shopping. Hmmmm must see my timesheet for nxt mth, haven't out yet.

O yeah, this coming 9 April is passover day so I need to take off on tht day for some church celebration - Praying and celebration in evening thn Resurrection daY (10 April) is bread fasting for whole daY.
This is the first time I actually celebrating Rsurrection after I have convert into christian. It's must be a great week on 2rd week of April. ^^