4 feb 09

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

finally I told him my decision and even he's nt agree abt it. He really have nothing said abt it as I'm saying e truth. after CNY, I was so busy with work. Everyday working OT and even my off day I went bck to wk which my TL asking wat's gg on with me (kind of shocked abt my action) I just told him tht I want to save some $$ for my degree (which I gg for further my study in june/july) gt alot of plans ahead so taking steps by steps to fufill it.

this 2 weeks was really vey busy as CNY's celebration and alot of f/u in cases in my works. Works kp me busy frm thinking things. Some of friends said I look so cold abt tis r/s which nt really wat's in me. I'm kind of sad bt even force myself to follow his footsteps. I can get even more depress in future. end it fast could be my better solution. I just take my time to excel my career first. take things slower for r/s now as I'm really have no confidence in r/s. sound like i'm kind of sad bt I knw tht all my best friends will be myside when I'm need them. :)


Anonymous said...

Be Happy Babe~ At least you know, duan tong bu ru chang tong liaoz!
Take good care, catch up some day for dinner / coffee yah.
Miss you~