24 Feb 09

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

haiz today gt alot of cases need to handle in office, somemore having some meeting with TL thn somemore need to rush to HR dept to handle some stuff. running up and dwn of building. John babe sms me suddenly, asking me to take care and I'm quite shocking abt it as u knw I didn't expecting him to read my blog.

He's sound like a advisior for me. hahaha Dun wori babe I'm oright. U knw me for so long time alrea, u knw tht I'm take things quite easy as wat's, especially in r/s. Just give me time to get over it. I'm won't rush in r/s as wat's I told u before. Thur gtta rush bck np to get my diploma cert as i need to submit my scanned copy to MDIS so tht they can sent to Edith Cowan Uni in Aust for chking. I shall be exempted for 1st year course.

I'm so excited abt it LOL as finally one step near to my dream. One of biggest dream is to get my degree Cert before I'm turn to 30 yrs old so by thn I'm finish e course I shall be turn 28. Second biggest dream is to save $$ to travel 7 wonders in e world. Hmmmm..... Jiayou LOL ^^
Heard Lover start work alrea so wish her gd gd luck in work. Let jiayou in our life. Sayang is in London so have to wait for her to come bck thn can call her. Zzzzz feel very tired nw, Slp early tonite.

Gd nite every1 ^^


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

Lover u referring to me or who? LOL! I hvnt find wrk how 2 start? kekez~ Anyway, do take care of ur health ya! *muacks*