Weiling Wedding 31 Aug 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

I was one of bride of honor of Fynn (Weiling) wedding. it's damn fun and sporty for Kevin's best men. We think of so much ideas like eating put alot of wasabi noodle (super hot man), black Beer mixed with 3 raw eggs, wearing disposible underwear, singing love songs and licking pepper over some part of body of best men.

I can told one thing that they are most sporty best men I have even came through. definitely greatest bride of honor I have even attended. At nite, I'm bring along Peter to Chinese Wedding and it's was his first time attended chinese wedding. He love it as in our table is totally troublemaker as we mixed extra too much drinks for Kevin and his best men to drink it.

I can tell is that IT"S LOOK SUX AND TASTE EVEN MORE SUX!!! hahahaha -_-

well, we do have great nite and lastly congrat Fynn that she found her true love :)

Jiaying's mum attending with us!!!

this is babe Peter, he's look very tall!!! (He's tall, hahaha)

that's she who has been around in all my life. 4ever lover, best friend and childhood friend