
Sunday, August 10, 2008

todaY just msn with Mitch. I think that he will coming to sg earlier than I expected (I tin ard feb or Mar time) We have a very serious talk in msn. He sound jokes that he scare by the time he come to sg, I will be married and give birth a baby. hahahaha -_-

I told him why until now I'm still single is that I fall for him at e moment I met him so ask him dun wori abt it. I will wait for him and I make such an effort of gg to JP to meet him.

it's been long that I actually fall for some1 and this time, I really want try out for another type of r/s. I was so ease of worries becos I finally make up my mind tat I want a Western bf instead sg guy. Maybe they don't really suitable for me, I'm too freewill minded and they tend to control like hell which I won't like this at all. when I told sayang and Lover, they totally agree about my decision. keep u pals update with the outing I have for national day. BOILER man and it's been long that I step into boiler and it's darn fun man. JUST SIMPLY LOVE IT ^@^