4 Mar 09

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Haiz, Yester went out with Hiro and we went to Gyo Rest for yaki beef. After dinner I went bck hm straight, tml I'm off so planning out with Eunice. Yester nite I send a sms to Genald but until morning, I didn't recieve any sms reply frm him.

Finally I decided tht I want delete all his msgs tht he sent to me when we were dating and also his contract in my Sim and phone. Maybe I'm really give up on him. Jeremy ask me wherever I can be his gf which I think we really don't have chemical in between us. We can only be friends and I want make things clear to all those guys friends. Dun wish to ask troubles for myself & it takes time to know one's personality. Although I knw him quite long and well.

all I need now is my work & my study which start soon on Oct. by then I will be super busy as work and study in the same time. I feel so tired now..... abt all those BGR kind of things, it's like guessing game for bth parties & I really hate it. nt only in mentially and physically.

blogging my blog is my way to release my stress and a relfection of wat's I'm doing nw. hmmmm
sound very depress like tht, actually nt really ^^ take a rest in moment in order for myself to walk further in the future. take a step in cautious in order to understand people and yourself well.


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P