update of the week

Sunday, December 28, 2008

SooO busy for past few weeks as I started my work in starhub. Everyday gtta to work up quite early (ard 7.30 am) so get nasty customers complaining everythin. (doing troublshooting in phone is tougher thn I thought) bt manage to overcome it at e moment.

O yeah, last Sun, Dear came to my hse for winter dinner (canto practice to celebrate) I do the cooking as my parents were so busy play MJ. it's was my neph's bd too so celebrate at e same day.

My uncle kp complaining abt e deep fried prawn tht I have cooked so I just told him off tht nxt time u will do e cooking. Dear Dear tried my cooking, saying tht it's really nice & I felt pretty comforted by him.

after we went to vivo city for Yes Man, O dear I can told u tht it's worth e ticket. Dear kp laughing at e way until e show ended thn we headed back hm to rest.

For Christmas eve although dear have to headed hm early becos of his appt in morning bt we manage to spend e count dwn moment with him. This is our first christmas so I hope every christmas, he's there for me. Love u Dear.

andy, me and sanyang

Lover & her hubby calvin

Dear & me


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