So sad abt it

Saturday, December 13, 2008

lately I felt tht he's getting more & more worse. We bth dun haf time to meet each other and I expecting to talk awhile in phone but his hp kp low bat & he just forget to chrg his Hp.

This continuing for many times, I doubt tht he's making efforts of maintain this r/s. I was so sad ytr nite tht I sms him this msg:

I'm gg hm nw. I tin u forgot 2 chrg ur hp agin. Haiz Dear sometimes I felt tht it's very difficult 4 us to maintain our r/s. Seen tht we bth dun have time.

until now. it's half a day passed & he didn't even sms or called to ask abt tis thing. I'm lost faith in tis r/s & I'm really dunno wat he's doing outside. There are so much confusing facts surrounding us & if he's kp gg on like tis.

I have to give up tis r/s. He's nt giving his best & I can't chnge him w/o his willingness.


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

Dear Love, r u ok?? I miss u oh~