Haiz too buz tis week

Friday, December 5, 2008

I was too buz for tis past week and didn't have time for my Dear Dear (Genald) I'm haven't seen him for a week. I felt so awful just to talk in phone and wish to meet him if I can but he too was very buz with his work. (apt for kids)

Haiz wat to do but at least he make sure to give a call to me. Updating me his current situation and me too update him my training procedures. last week I have to retest as I make too much careless mistakes. This time is system training for Onxy & falcon. Hopefully everything turn out gd for nxt tue when I'm gt back my test paper.

Mon is Haji so Dear is work in aftern shift and I want him to accompan me. kekekeke. Pretty wish tht he can spend more time with me as if I'm gg back to call-operation. Life there sure is not easy for me.

I heard tht it's quite stressful over there and no. of survicors are not much. Haiz...... pretty nervious and stressful.


♥ Jer-LiCioUs ♥ said...

keep it up ger~ sure nice meetin u aft so long.. *hugs*